We’re back with the third annual Musing Over Mugs Adult Summer Reading Challenge!

How It Works:

  1. Register and download your tracker here.

  2. Follow Musing Over Mugs on Instagram.

  3. Track the books your read between May 27th and September 2, 2024 using your downloadable tracker.

  4. Email us your completed tracker and you’ll be entered to win!


Depending on how many books you read you could be entered into a drawing for:

  • 5 books - $15

  • 10 books - $25

  • 15 books - $50

  • 50 books - $100

  • Bonus prize - all participants will be entered into a drawing where 10 winners will receive a $5 coffee gift card to their choice of coffee shop!

In an effort to support more local independent bookstores, all 4 of our winners will get to choose which bookseller they would like their gift card to! Of course, you can still choose an Audible, Kindle, Nook, etc. book gift cards, but we wanted all 4 levels, rather than just 1, to have the option to support their favorite local shop.


  1. Are there any requirements to enter?
    Just a few! To be entered to win, you must submit your tracker to us via email before the deadline (11:59 pm EST on September 2nd), be 18 years old or older, fill out the Google Form (this will subscribe you to our eNews), & follow us on Instagram - @musingovermugs.

  2. How do I use the tracker?
    However you would like! You can add stickers, fill in the spaces, add photos of the books - whatever your heart desires! You’ll start in the upper left hand corner and fill in the spaces going left to right. Your reading is cumulative, so that means the 5 books your read to complete level 1 are the first 5 you read to complete level 2. To enter, you’ll need to submit your completed printable tracker (this one includes a space for your name, email, and IG handle for verification) and add the book titles either in the spaces or in a separate list!

  3. Do I need to date the entries?
    Yes, please!

  4. Are there any requirements for the books to count?
    You can read whatever you’d like, however you’d like! The point of this challenge is to encourage folks to read in whatever way they prefer. Audio, Kindle, Physical, Young Adult, New Adult, Fan Fiction, Novella, Epic Novels, it all counts!! The only requirements are that they’re not children’s books or one-shots and that they are books you are choosing to read - aka not books you have to read for work/school.

  5. What if I’m rereading a book I’ve read before, does that count?

    Yes, it does! However, you will only be able to count a book one time in the challenge. For example, if you read the same book twice between June & September, it will only count once.

  6. What if I don’t know what to read?

    We’ve got you covered! We post reviews on our Instagram and are always happy to chat books with you.

  7. How long do I have to read?
    The challenge runs from May 27th to 11:59pm EST on September 2nd (Labor Day).

  8. When should I submit my tracker?
    You can submit your tracker via email by 11:59pm EST on September 2nd or sooner should you fill it early!

  9. Can I submit more than one tracker?

    Sure! If you read more than 50 books, you can submit additional trackers, but please be sure to submit them all at once.

  10. How many winners will there be?
    There will be one winner pulled from each level for a total of 4 winners. You will be entered into the highest level you complete. For example, if you read 15 books, you’ll be entered into the Level 3 drawing. Additionally, we will pull 10 readers at random to win a $5 coffee card to their choice of coffee shop so long as they offer digital gift cards.

  11. I am having trouble downloading my tracker?
    No worries, shoot us a message and we can send you a new copy.

  12. Can I enter this challenge if my local library DOES have an adult reading challenge?

    100%! We love our local libraries and if you are lucky enough to have one hosting their own challenge, we encourage you to enter both. Anything that gets folks reading is a win in our books!